Automated Radiosynthesis and Bio-distribution of 18FFluoromethyl Choline
Graphical Abstract
To develop a rapid and automated synthetic method for making 18FFluoromethyl choline (18F-FCH), the automatic synthesis module from Sumitomo corporation was used to synthesize 18F-FCH, the bio-distribution in normal mice and the PET/CT imaging on pancreatic tumor xenograft murine models were also evaluated. CH2Br2 was used as precursor, intermediate product of 18FCH2Br was produced by the gaseous reaction with 18F-. Then, the 18FCH2OTf, more reactive 18F fluotomethylating agent than the 18FCH2Br, was converted on-line by passing 18FCH2Br through a heated Ag-Triflate column. 18FC2H4SO3CF3 reacted with N, N-dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) on SEP-PAK C-18 cartridge, followed by purification on SEP-PAK Accell CM cartridge. The 18F-FCH was intravenously injected into mice, the mice were sacrificed at 5, 10, 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes post injection respectively. The major organs were removed and weighed before radioactive γ-counting. PET/CT imaging was carried out at 10 minutes after injection of 18F-FCH in nude mice xenografted with pancreatic cancer. The results showed that 18Ffluorocholine was produced from 18Ffluoride in overall radiochemical yields of (25±5)% (uncorrected, n=23) in 32 minutes, radiochemical purity was higher than 97%. The biodistribution datas showed high uptake in liver, kidney, low uptake in brain, lung, muscle and rapid clearance in blood. Most organs reached its radioactive peak within 5 minutes and then decreasing or in a relatively stable state. The bio-distribution of 18F-FCH was similar with the reported data of 11C-choline. PET/CT imaging showed high accumulation in the kidney, liver and spleen, however, the uptake of 18F-FCH in the pancreatic cancer was very low. It has very low potential as a positive pancreatic cancer imaging agent. This new automated synthesis technique provides high and reproducible yields that could be dedicated for routine use.