Theoretical Estimation of Equilibrium Constants for Boron Isotopic Exchange Reactions in Ion-exchange Chromatography
Graphical Abstract
The equilibrium constant K for isotopic exchange reactions between boric acid B(OH)3 in the external solution and the main species of B(OH)4-,B3O3(OH)52- and B3O3(OH)4- formed in an ion-exchange resin is one of the fundamental parameters in the study of boron isotopes separation by ion-exchange chromatography.Unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine the K value accurately from experiments.Density function theory(DFT)calculations were used to compute the vibrational frequencies of boron isotopomers of the gasphase B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- at the B3LYP/6—31G level.The values of reduced partition function ratio(RPFR)of the four boron species,B(OH)3, B(OH)4-, B3O3(OH)52- and B3O3(OH)4-,were estimated following Urey’s model,using the calculated frequencies obtained from DFT calculation.The equilibrium constant K of isotopic exchange reactions were theoretically obtained as the ratio of the RPFRs of two boron species. The results implied that the isotopic effect between B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- was remarkable with a calculated equilibrium constant K of 1.025 7 at 25 ℃. However, these K valcues for the reactions between B(OH)3 with other two species,B3O3(OH)52- and B3O3(OH)4,were smaller around 1.017 2 and 1.008 4, respectively.