
Research on TLD-Based Few-Channel Spectrometer

  • 摘要: 针对脉冲X射线单次脉冲时间短,瞬时剂量率大的特点,研究了一种基于热释光剂量计(TLD)的少道谱仪,该谱仪可用于脉冲X射线的能谱测量。本研究对该谱仪的吸收片及探测器进行选型,结合蒙特卡罗方法模拟少道谱仪对不同能量单能光子的响应矩阵,分析其对谱仪能量分辨率的影响,使用最大熵法开展脉冲X射线解谱验证工作,分析初始迭代谱对解谱效果的影响。结果表明,基于热释光剂量计研制的少道谱仪,可以开展短脉冲、高剂量率脉冲X射线能谱测量工作,同时也适用于其他大剂量率辐射场的能谱测量。


    Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics of short pulse time and high instantaneous dose rate of pulsed X-ray, a TLD-based few-channel spectrometer is studied. In this paper, the basic structure and principle of the spectrometer are introduced, the absorption plates and detectors of the spectrometer are selected. The energy response matrix of the few-channel spectrometer for single energy photons of different energies is simulated by Monte Carlo method and its influence on the energy resolution of the spectrometer is analyzed. The maximum entropy method is used to verify the pulsed X-ray spectrum resolution. The results show that the TLD-based few-channel spectrometer can be used to measure short pulse and high dose rate pulse X-ray energy spectrum, and it is also suitable for other high dose rate radiation fields.


