
Thick Rhodium Plating as the Target for Cyclotron Production of Palladium-103

  • 摘要: 铑靶的制备是加速器生产核素103Pd的关键技术。为制得致密、稳定、厚度高的铑靶,采用改性工艺对硫酸铑溶液进行预处理,并加入一定量电镀添加剂A,得到低应力镀铑液。实验靶片选择金属铜材质,靶片面积约100 mm×10 mm。分别针对电镀过程中的电源电流密度、电镀温度、H2SO4浓度、电镀添加剂A浓度等进行条件实验,获得最佳电镀条件。结果表明,选用最佳电镀条件下,连续四个批次制备的铑镀层质量厚度均大于150 mg/cm2,在热冲击实验和坠落实验中,镀层未出现起皮、脱落等问题,镀层致密、平整、与基底结合牢固。在C30回旋加速器内辐照5~51.5 h,可以获得产额5.18~6.04 MBq/(μA·h)、核纯度大于99.9%的103Pd核素。本研究解决了脉冲电镀法制备铑靶工艺稳定性差的问题,制备的厚铑靶可满足103Pd批量化生产要求。


    Abstract: The preparation of rhodium target with high quality and thickness is the key to produce 103Pd by cyclotron. In order to improve the thickness and quality of plating, rhodium sulfate solution is pretreated, and a certain amount of electroplating additives A is added. The target plate for 103Pd is made of copper with a target size about 100 mm×10 mm. The optimal electroplating conditions are obtained according to the important conditions in the plating process (e.g., current density, plating temperature and H2SO4 concentration). In four consecutive batches of experiments, the mass thickness of the rhodium plating is higher than 150 mg/cm2. In the thermal shock and falling test, the plating layer does not show problems such as flaking, and is tight, smooth and firmly bonded to the substrate. After irradiation in C30 cyclotron for 5-51.5 hours, 103Pd nuclide with yield of 5.18-6.04 MBq/(μA·h) and nuclear purity greater than 99.9% can be obtained. The research solve the problem of poor stability of rhodium target preparation process by pulse electroplating, the quality of rhodiumtarget can meet the requirements of 103Pd production.


