
The Use of Lithium Carbonate in the Treatment of Graves' Disease With ~(131)I

  • 摘要: 简要评述了碳酸锂对甲状腺摄碘率、甲状腺体积、甲状腺激素等的影响以及临床应用的适用范围。锂离子可以增加131I在甲状腺的停留时间,减少131I用量并提高治疗效果。同时,碳酸锂有抑制甲状腺合成、释放甲状腺激素的作用,可望通过服用碳酸锂减轻131I治疗后由于甲状腺激素水平升高引起的症状和体征。另外,由于碳酸锂有一定的升白细胞作用,因此碳酸锂与131I联合应用治疗Graves病(GD)有一定的适应症。


    Abstract: Lithium carbonate involving radioactive iodine uptake, goiter volume, thyroid hormone and applying range is reviewed briefly. Lithium may elongate the T_(1/2) of iodine in thyroid gland, decrease ~(131)I dosage and enhance curative effect. Lithium carbonate inhibit iodine uptake and thyroid hormone synthesize, blocks the release of iodine and thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland, which lead to reduce the ~(131)I dosage the patients need and to decrease the surge of serum FT_3 and FT_4 levels caused by ~(131)I therapy. So lithium carbonate can alleviate the symptoms caused by ~(131)I treatment. For lithium carbonate can increase leucocyte amount, there are some merits with lithium carbonate in treating Graves' disease by ~(131)I.


