
Research Progress on Low Specific Activity 99Mo-99mTc Generators

  • 摘要: 99mTc是由99Mo进行β衰变产生的一种被广泛应用于核医学临床诊断领域的放射性同位素,主要通过母体核素99Mo在发生器中衰变获得。由于核安全问题和多座生产99Mo的反应堆相继关停,裂变99Mo的供应量减少,导致裂变型色谱柱99Mo-99mTc发生器的99Mo原料来源困难,因此国内外积极推进低比活度的反应堆辐照和基于加速器的99Mo生产技术及新型99Mo-99mTc发生器的研发。本文对低比活度99Mo在国内的生产现状、国内外基于低比活度99Mo开发的99Mo/99mTc分离方法和新型99Mo-99mTc发生器进行综述,以期为研发新型99Mo-99mTc发生器提供参考。


    Abstract: The radioisotope 99mTc is widely used in the clinical diagnostic field of nuclear medicine, which is mainly obtained by β-decay of the parent nuclide 99Mo in 99Mo-99mTc generator. Due to the shutdown of multiple reactors producing 99Mo, the stable supply of fission 99Mo is threatened. In addition, the production of fission 99Mo may lead to nuclear proliferation. As a result, the raw materials for the fission-99Mo-99mTc generators decreased. Therefore, reactor irradiation and accelerator-based 99Mo production technology have attracted the attention of various countries. New 99Mo-99mTc generators are also constantly being developed. This paper briefly discusses the current production status of low specific activity 99Mo in China and the separation methods of low specific activity 99Mo-99mTc. Furthermore, the 99Mo-99mTc generator is also discussed, which is expected to provide some reference for the development of new 99Mo-99mTc generators in the future.


