
Progress in Accelerator Production of Important Medical Isotopes

  • 摘要: 随着核科学技术的快速发展,医用放射性同位素在核医学中发挥着越来越重要的作用,被广泛应用于心脑血管、肿瘤等疾病的诊断和治疗。利用加速器生产医用放射性同位素,具有灵活高效、系统安全、活度高等优势,是确保医用放射性同位素安全、稳定供应的重要生产方式之一。2021年,国家八部门联合发布《医用同位素中长期发展规划(2021−2035)》,明确了我国到2035年前需要重点发展的重要医用同位素有14种,其中9种同位素均可以由加速器生产。本文主要介绍了规划中列出的9种重要医用同位素的加速器生产和应用概况。规划中加速器生产的显像核素主要有123I、124I、64Cu、68Ga、89Zr,治疗核素有186Re、103Pd、225Ac、223Ra。其中,225Ac、68Ge、223Ra是中高能加速器进行同位素生产的重点,也是加速器生产放射性同位素主要的发展趋势。本研究分别对上述诊断和治疗核素的核性质、用途、反应截面及产额、生产方式等进行综述,以期为相关核素生产提供参考。


    Abstract: With the rapid development of nuclear science and technology, medical radioisotopes play an increasingly important role in nuclear medicine, and are widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors and other diseases. Accelerator production of medical radioisotopes has the advantages of flexibility, efficiency, system safety and high nuclide activity, and is one of the important production methods to ensure the safe and stable supply of medical radioisotopes. In 2021, China Atomic Energy Authority together with seven other ministries, jointly released the “Medium - and Long Term Development Plan for Medical Isotopes (2021−2035)”, which clarifies that there are 14 important medical isotopes that China needs to focus on developing before 2035, of which 9 isotopes can be produced by accelerators. This article mainly introduces the production and application overview of accelerators for the 9 important medical isotopes listed in the plan. The 9 important medical isotopes include the imaging nuclides 123I, 124I, 64Cu, 68Ga, 89Zr and the therapeutic nuclides 186Re, 103Pd, 225Ac ,223Ra .Among them,225Ac、68Ge and 223Ra are the focus of isotope production in medium and high energy accelerators, and also are the main development trend of accelerator production radioisotopes. This study provides a comprehensive review of the nuclear properties, applications, reaction cross-sections, yields, and production methods of the diagnostic and therapeutic nuclides mentioned above, providing reference for the production of related nuclides.


