
Comparative Experiment on the Preparation of 99Mo/99mTc via Electron and Proton Irradiation of 100Mo

  • 摘要: 99Mo/99mTc是全球应用最广泛的医用显影核素,目前的供应依赖几座濒临退役的核反应堆。相比反应堆而言,加速器的建造、运行及维护成本更低,布局更灵活。因此,粒子加速器制备99Mo/99mTc已成为研究热点,其中利用电子加速器辐照100Mo制备99Mo和质子加速器辐照100Mo制备99mTc是最具可行性的两种方法。本研究结合实验数据和蒙特卡洛模拟结果,对比了两种基于加速器制备99Mo/99mTc的优势和劣势。质子辐照100Mo直接产生99mTc,99mTc产额高,但伴生Tc的其他同位素,尤其是99gTc。而电子辐照100Mo,可以产生高纯的99Mo,且化学分离过程简单,能够制备成99Mo-99mTc发生器使用,相对更具优势。


    Abstract: 99mTc derived from 99Mo, stands as the preeminent radiopharmaceutical employed extensively in medical diagnostics worldwide. Its current production mainly relies on some near-retirement nuclear reactors. Compared to reactors, particle accelerators have extremely low construction, operational, and maintenance costs, and their layouts are highly flexible. Given these circumstances, the production of 99Mo/99mTc by accelerator has become a research hotspot, with using electron-beam to irradiate 100Mo to produce 99Mo and proton-beam to irradiate 100Mo to produce 99mTc being the two most feasible methods. This article compares the advantages and disadvantages of two methods for preparing 99Mo/99mTc based on accelerators through experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. Direct production of 99mTc by proton accelerators, the advantage is higher yield, but other Tc isotopes, especially 99gTc, are produced alongside. In contrast, irradiating 100Mo by electrons not only can produce high-purity 99Mo with a simpler chemical separation process, but also make it suitable for preparing 99Mo-99mTc generators, which is relatively more advantageous.


