
Radiological Characterization Study for Decommissioning of the ADS Sub-Critical Experimental Assembly

  • 摘要: 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)启明星次临界实验装置是我国首座退役的次临界装置,针对其退役源项调查,建立一套适用于临界装置退役的源项调查方法。首先对ADS启明星次临界实验装置进行详细的源项资料调查,采用ORIGEN程序和蒙特卡罗程序相结合的方法给出堆本体各部件活化产生的放射性核素及其源强和比活度,通过现场测量和取样分析调查确定堆本体结构部件的放射性源项,本研究成果对其他临界装置开展退役源项调查具有借鉴意义。


    Abstract: ADS sub-critical experimental assembly is the first decommissioning sub-critical assembly, by investigating the decommissioned radioactive sources of which, a method which is applicable to the decommissioning of zero-power facilities was developed. First, a detailed investigation of the radioactive sources in the ADS sub-critical experimental assembly was conducted. Then, the method combining the ORIGEN and Monte Carlo codes was used to calculate the radioactive nuclides, source strength, and specific activity generated by each component of the reactor core. Finally, through on-site measurements and sample analysis, the radioactive sources of the reactor core structural components were determined, the results can be used as a reference for the source item investigation of other zero-power facilities.


