
Preliminary Study on Preparation Method of Gas Simulation Source Based on Silicon Aerogel

  • 摘要: 为制备可以替代13N(T1/2=9.97 min)气体进行13N监测仪校准的模拟源,采用两步法湿凝胶制备技术和CO2超临界干燥技术开展硅基气凝胶制备工艺研究,先以正硅酸四乙酯(TEOS)为原料制备前驱体溶液,使用体积为前驱体溶液45倍的丙酮对其进行稀释,在pH=8的条件下凝胶,经超临界干燥后,得到满足低密度要求的气凝胶基质。基于该工艺,以长寿命核素22Na(T1/2=2.60 a)作为替代核素,研制13N监测仪校准用气体模拟源,密度为4.6 mg/cm3(4倍空气密度),批内均匀性为5%,批间均匀性为8%。采用气体模拟源对某型号13N监测仪原型机开展效率校准,与模拟结果有25%相对偏差。


    Abstract: In order to prepare a simulation source that can replace 13N(T1/2=9.97 min) gas for direct calibration of 13N monitor, this paper adopts two-step wet gel preparation technology and CO2 supercritical drying technology to carry out research on the preparation process of silicon-based aerogel. TEOS is used as raw material to prepare precursor solution. After the precursor system was prepared, add acetone 45 times of the precursor raw material to dilute it, and the gel was gelled at pH=8. After supercritical drying,the preparation of the aerogel matrix meeting the requirement is finished. Based on this process, a 22Na (T1/2=2.60 a) gas simulation source was developed for calibration of a 13N monitor with a density of 4.6 mg/cm3 (4 times the air density), the intra-batch uniformity was 5%, and the inter-batch uniformity was 8%. A gas simulation source was used to calibrate the efficiency of a 13N monitor prototype, and there was a 25% relative deviation from the simulation results.


