
Research on Characteristics of Irradiation Production of 63Ni with High Specific Activity

  • 摘要: 63Ni作为低能β放射源是重要的工业用同位素,具有半衰期长、能量密度适中、制造方便等优点。本研究对高通量堆辐照生产高比活度63Ni的特性进行研究,分析影响63Ni比活度的因素,包括中子通量、能谱分布、辐照靶件设计等。在此基础上,对进一步提高63Ni比活度的辐照方案设计思路进行探讨。研究表明,超高通量堆有利于获得高比活度63Ni同位素。本研究成果可为63Ni辐照生产方案设计提供参考。


    Abstract: 63Ni is an important industrial radioisotope, which has the characteristics of long half-life, moderate power density and easy to manufacture. 63Ni is a promising β radiation source with low energy. The characteristics of irradiation production of 63Ni with high specific activity in high flux reactor are studied, and the influence of neutron flux, neutron energy spectrum, irradiation target design scheme on the specific radioactivity are analyzed. On this basis, the ideas of irradiation scheme design for further improving the specific activity of 63Ni are discussed. The research shows that ultra-high flux reactor helps to improve the specific activity of 63Ni. The results provide references for the irradiation production scheme design of 63Ni.


