
Tritium Separation and Purification Technology of Low Level Wastewater

  • 摘要: 随着我国核电及后处理产业的发展和环境排放标准的日益严格,安全有效的处理和处置核设施运行过程中产生的含氚低放废水的需求不断增加。本研究提出一种基于水精馏技术的含氚低放废水氚分离净化新方法,基于该技术方法搭建低放废水氚分离实验装置,对装置的运行参数进行研究,开展低放废水氚分离热实验。结果表明,该技术能够有效实现对含氚低放废水中氚的高效分离和浓缩,净化液氚含量低至102 Bq/L量级,浓缩液氚含量达到1010 Bq/L量级,氚分离系数达9.49×107,具有很大的实际应用价值。


    Abstract: With the development of China's nuclear power and spent fuel reprocessing industries, along with the increasingly strict environmental emission standards, there is a growing demand for the safe and effective treatment and disposal of low-level tritiated wastewater generated during the operation of nuclear facilities. This article proposes a new method for tritium separation and purification of low-level tritiated wastewater using water distillation technology. An experimental system for low-level tritiated wastewater treatment was built, and a series of experiments were conducted to study the operating parameters of the system. This work conducted the first radioactive thermal trial for tritium separation and purification from the real low-level tritiated wastewater. The results show that this technology can effectively achieve efficient separation and concentration of tritium from low-level tritiated wastewater. The tritium concentration in the purified liquid was reduced to the level of 102 Bq/L, while that of the concentrated liquid reached the level of 1010 Bq/L, achieving a tritium separation factor of 9.49×107. These results demonstrate the significant potential of this water distillation technology for practical application.


