基于14 MeV回旋加速器同位素18F生产的液体靶系统研制

Development of Liquid Target System Based on 14 MeV Cyclotron Isotope 18F Production

  • 摘要: 因放射性核素18F标记的氨基酸在脑肿瘤显像方面显示出独特的优势,本课题组通过14 MeV回旋加速器,以铌为靶体材料,利用18O (p,n) 18F反应,生产18 F同位素,研制液体靶系统。为解决以氦气冷却的液体靶系统结构复杂的问题,本研究以直接水冷作为液体靶系统冷却方式,详细探究液体靶每个部件的结构设计及关键部件材料选择,并对其输运系统和控制系统进行稳定性测试。结果表明,在20 μA的束流强度照射下,照射时间为2 h的产额为1.5 Ci。目前已经在北京大学进行实验研究,该系统具有良好的稳定性、重复性。


    Abstract: Based on the excellent radionuclide properties of 18F, amino acids labeled with radioactive nuclide 18F have shown its unique advantages in brain tumor imaging. A liquid target system with niobium as the target material and 18O(p, n)18F isotope was developed based on the 14 MeV cyclotron of the cyclotron research group of the Department of Nuclear Technology and Application, China Institute of Atomic Energy. In order to solve the problems of complicated structure and poor cooling effect of liquid target system cooled by helium, a liquid target system with direct water cooling is designed. The structure design process and material selection of liquid target are introduced in detail, and the stability of its transport system and control system is tested. The analysis results show that the liquid target system produced by this isotope has good stability. Under the irradiation of 20 μA beam intensity for 2 h, the yield of the product is 1.5 Ci. At present, it has been applied in Peking University, the system has good stability and repeatability, and has been highly praised by users.


