
Key Technology and Prospect of 252Cf Production

  • 摘要: 252Cf是一种重要的超钚元素,可用于核反应堆启动、中子照相、中子活化分析、地质勘探等核技术应用及基础科研,目前世界上只有美国和俄罗斯具备252Cf生产能力。本研究对252Cf基本性质、国外252Cf生产现状进行介绍,提出252Cf生产需攻克的关键技术。


    Abstract: 252Cf is an important transplutonium element, which can be used for nuclear technology applications and basic scientific research such as nuclear reactor startup, neutron radiography, neutron activation analysis, geological exploration, etc. At present, only the United States and Russia have the production capacity of 252Cf in the world. This paper introduces the basic properties of 252Cf and the production status of 252Cf, and puts forward the key technologies to be solved in the production of 252Cf.


