Discovery and Development of Tau Imaging Agent
摘要: 由高度磷酸化的Tau蛋白聚集形成的神经纤维缠结(neurofibrillary tangles, NFTs)被认为是神经退行性疾病的一个重要病理学特征,包括阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)和其他额颞叶痴呆。近年来,许多化学分子探针作为核医学显像剂被陆续报道,以期望对这些神经退行性疾病尤其是AD实现早期的无创诊断。本文综述了目前生物性质较为优良的Tau蛋白SPECT显像剂和已进入临床评估阶段的Tau蛋白PET显像剂的研究进展。Abstract: Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) are regard as a crucial pathological hallmark of various neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and some frontotemporal dementias. Recently, a diversity of chemical molecules has been reported as imaging agents. These probes utilizes nuclear medicine imaging to achieve early noninvasive diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, especially AD. In this review, we focus on SPECT probes and several Tau-PET tracers in clinical trials.