
Research on Spectrum Stabilization Technology Based on Light-emitting Diode

  • 摘要: 针对NaI(Tl)闪烁γ射线谱仪易受环境温度影响,造成能谱漂移,稳定性差,继而导致能谱解析困难的问题,本文自主搭建了发光二极管(LED)稳谱系统,并在此基础上初步探讨了基于LED的快速稳谱方法。研究表明:基于LED的稳谱方法具有安全可靠、参考峰干净,并且可拓宽NaI(Tl)闪烁γ射线谱仪应用场合等优势;通过对LED进行恒流脉冲驱动,可得到稳定的LED光脉冲;得到了-25 ℃~+55 ℃温度范围几种常用放射源能峰及LED峰位随温度变化曲线;发现温度变化导致放射源峰位漂移,部分温度下漂移量超过10%,经过稳谱后,峰位漂移量降低到±5%以内,实现了温度在较大范围内变化时对γ射线谱仪进行有效稳谱。


    Abstract: Aiming at the problem that NaI(Tl) scintillation gamma spectrometer is susceptible to the influence of ambient temperature, resulting in energy spectrum drift and poor stability, which leads to the difficulty in energy spectrum analysis, the LED based rapid spectral stabilization method is preliminarily discussed, and the LED spectrum stabilization system is independently built. It can be noted that the led-based spectral stabilization method has the advantages of safety, reliability, clean, and can broaden the application of NaI(Tl) scintillation gamma spectrometer. By driving the LED with constant current pulse, stable LED light pulse is obtained. The temperature experiment of the system was carried out and the variation curves of several common radioactive sources and LED energy peaks in the temperature range of -25 ℃~+55 ℃ are obtained. The temperature changes cause the peak position of the radioactive source to drift. The drift amount exceeds 10% at some temperatures. After the spectrum is stabilized, the peak position drift is reduced to within ±5%. The effective spectral stabilization of the γ-ray spectrometer is realized when the temperature changes over a wide range.


