The process of neutron interaction induced by D-T pulsed neutron generator and
241Am-Be source was simulated by using Monte Carlo method. It is concluded that the thermal neutron count descend exponentially as the spacing increasing. The smaller porosity was, the smaller the differences between the two sources were. When the porosity reached 40%, the ratio of thermal neutron count generated by D-T pulsed neutron source was much larger than that generated by
241Am-Be neutron source, and its distribution range was wider. The near spacing selected was 20-30 cm, and that of far spacing was about 60-70 cm. The detection depth by using D-T pulsed neutron source was almost unchanged under condition of the same sapcing, and the sensitivity of measurement to the formation porosity decreases. The results showed that it can not only guarantee the statistic of count, but also improve detection sensitivity and depth at the same time of increasing spacing. Therefore,
241Am-Be neutron source can be replaced by D-T neutron tube in LWD tool.