The Nonlinear Effect While Measuring on the Container CT Image’s Quality
摘要: 采用平板校正法,以减弱由于测量中非线性因素的影响使集装箱CT成像产生的伪影。在具体的实验过程中,通过对大尺寸样品投影数据的校正,明显减少了重建图像的伪影。因此,利用该方法可以改善由于测量中的非线性影响所产生的CT重建图像的伪影,从而提高重建图像的质量。Abstract: The plate calibration method is proposed to decrease the nonlinear effect that can create artifact while reconstructing CT images. The artifact can be decreased obviously when using the calibrated data for big dimension samples to reconstruct CT images in the actual experiment. So the nonlinear effect while measuring, which can create the artifact while reconstructing CT images, can be decreased obviously with is method.