
Protection and Emergency Measures in the Nuclear Terrorism Attacks

  • 摘要: “9·11”事件后,人们普遍担心恐怖分子会将包括核电站在内的核设施作为袭击目标,轰炸这些核设施,使其释放出放射性物质,危害公众的生命和财产安全;或者散布放射性物质,造成“核恐慌”,从而达到扰乱社会秩序、打击经济的恐怖目的。为了防范和杜绝核恐怖事件的发生,各国均采取了积极的安全保卫措施,并在积极审核和制定核恐怖事件发生后的应急措施。国际社会也在加强合作,将发生核恐怖事件的可能性降至最低。本文详细介绍了恐怖分子利用散布放射性物质制造核恐怖事件的可能方式和后果,分析了核恐怖事件所造成的影响,提出了处理这些核恐怖事件应采取的应急措施。


    Abstract: A lot of people worry about that the terrorists will make nuclear terror to jeopardize people's wealthy and property to reach their terrorist goals for disturbing social system and beating economy by attacking nuclear facilities or dispersing radioactive materials after 9.11 incident. Many countries are taking active safety and security measures, reviewing and making emergency measures for anti-nuclear terror, and improving international cooperation to reduce the possibility of nuclear terrors. The possible way and aftereffect of nuclear terror made by dispersing radioactive material, avoiding nuclear material and radioactive material from stealing and buying non-legality, and providing emergency measures to deal with these nuclear terrors are introduced.


