The horizontal columns, in which tracers and undisturbed soil collected from the aquifer are filled, are inserted into the aquifer through the experimental shaft wall. Natural underground water flowing through the horizontal columns is collected in sample bottles. The tracer concentrations in both water and soil samples are obtained. The retardation coefficient of 90Sr, which migrates at fastest velocity among tracers, is more than 290, so loess has stronger capacity to sorbs the nuclides of 90Sr, 237Np, 238Pu and 241Am; retardation coefficient of 90Sr in the horizontal columns 3 and 8 with humus are larger than those in the horizontal column 2 without humus. It shows that humus may retard migration of 90Sr. And retardation coefficient of 90Sr in the horizontal column 2 without humus is basically same with simulation experiment results in vertical column.