Volume Effect to the Measurement of Cherenkov Radiation of~(32) P Water Solution
摘要: 对 32 P水溶液切连科夫辐射测定中体积因素对测定结果的影响进行了初步研究。结果显示符合测量中体积与计数效率呈正相关关系, 非符合测量中体积与计数效率呈负相关关系。提示在进行此类测量时, 为了保证结果的准确可靠, 须保持样品体积的一致或选用样品体积不敏感区间。Abstract: The volume effect to the measurement of Cherenkov radiation of 32 P water solution is studied. The positive correlation between volume and count in coincident counting and negative correlation between volume and count in noncoincident counting indicate that the sample's volume effect should be considered in counting of 32 P water solution.