A Novel and Potential Radionuclide Carrier for Diagnosing and Therapying Tumor:Endostatin
摘要: :Endostatin(内皮抑制素 )具有优良的抗肿瘤特性, 能有效地抑制肿瘤的生长、扩散和转移, 将肿瘤限制于休眠期, 且不引发肿瘤的耐药性。通过放射性核素标记 Endostatin后, 利用放射性核素优良的显像和治疗肿瘤的特性, 实现肿瘤的显像和生物治疗与放射性靶向治疗相结合的双效治疗。因此, 研究 Endostatin的放射性核素标记具有重要的临床意义Abstract: Endostatin can inhibit the growth, proliferation, metastasis of tumor, and not lead tumor to produce medicine-resistance. After labeled with radionuclide, the labeled endostatin can be used in photography, biological and radio targeting therapy of tumor. So, it has significant value to study endostatin labeled with radionuclide.