
  • 摘要: 阐述了影响天然橡胶乳液的辐射硫化制品抗老化性能的因素,介绍了目前国际上为改善其抗老化性能所采取的措施,并指出天然抗氧化剂的应用前景


    Abstract: IMPROVEMENT OF AGING PROPERTY OF RVNRL PRODUCTS  Zhang Youjiu\ Zhu Nankang(Department of Radiation Medicine, Suzhou Medical College, 21 5007)Abstract\ There are some problems on physical properties to b e soluted in RVNRL(Radiation Vulcanization of Nutural Rubber Latex) products, es pecially on aging property. The factors which induce RVNRL products aging are di scussed. Some solutions to improve aging property of RVNRL products are describe d and natural antioxidants are interesting.Keywords\ radiation vulcanization\ natural rubber latex\ antiag ing


