99Tcm LABELING AND ANIMAL EXPERIME NTS OF CACPPA Wu Chunying\ Ji Shuren\ Fang Ping\ Zhou Xiang\ Chen Zhengping \ He Yongjun(State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine, Jiangsu Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Wuxi, 214063)Abstract\ 99TcmCACPPA is prepared by the reduct ion of stannous chloride with Na99TcmO-4 in aqueous soluti on a t pH8.5~9.5,the labeling yield and radiochemical purity are over 90% determined by TLC and HPLC. Biodistribution of 99TcmCACPPA in mice demonstra tes that the highest myocardial uptake of 99TcmCACPPA is 18.17±2. 67% ID/g. When blood disappearance of 99TcmCACPPA is analyzed with a biexponential model, an initial half time of 1.11 min and a late half tim e of 20.08 min are obtained. 99TcmCACPPA exhibite high binding to HSA in vitro and in vivo, partition coefficients are 10.98 and 11.45 at pH7.00 a nd pH7.40 respectively. The study of metabolism intervention showes that myocard ial uptake of 99TcmCACPPA in the group of glucoseinsulin is high er than that of normal, which has significant difference after ttest.Keywords\ p(N,N′dicarboxymethyl)aminomethyl ca r boxyaminophenylpentadecanoic acid (CACPPA)\ 99TcmCACPPA\ anima l experiment