
  • 摘要: 将传统亚锡法加以改进,采用亚锡-葡庚糖酸钠还原剂进行肝癌片段抗体HAb18F(ab′)2的99Tcm标记,整个标记过程可在1.5h内完成。Whatman3MM纸层析法测得最佳标记率为84.2%。标记物室温放置24h的解离率<5%。标记物在抗体和EDTA摩尔比为1∶10000的EDTA介质中解离率低,而在抗体和L-半胱氨酸摩尔比为1∶625的L-半胱氨酸介质中解离率约为10%。活细胞放射免疫结合法测得标记物的免疫活性分数为0.84。荷人肝癌移植瘤裸鼠尾静脉注射标记抗体后,24h肿瘤放射性浓聚最强,肿瘤显像定位明确


    Abstract: DIRECT LABELING OF ANTIHEPATOMA MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FRAGMENT WITH 99Tcm BY AN IMPROVED PRETINNING METHOD Bian Huijie\ Chen Zhinan\ Deng Jinglan①\ Duan Xudong\ Mi li\ Yu Xiaoling\ Xu Liqing(Hepatoma Targeting Research Center, Department of Pathology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032)(① Department of Nuclear Medicine, Xi Jing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032)Abstract An improved pretinning method of direct labeling of antihuman hepatoma monoclonal antibody fragment with 99Tcm by using stannousglucoheptonate as reducing agent is investigated. The labeling p rocedure is finished within 1.5 h. The number of thiols in the reduced F(ab′) 2 is determined by Ellman,s reagent, and labeling efficiency of 84.2% is obta in ed. Challenge studies indicated that 99mTclabeled HAb18 F(ab′) 2 in EDTA is more stable than in Lcysteine. The imaging result showes a s ignificant tumo r uptake at 24 h postinjection of 99TcmHAb18F(ab′)2. It s uggests that99Tc mHAb18 F(ab′)2 conjugate prepared by this direct method appear an effect ive ability to detect hepatoma in nude mice model.


