
  • 摘要: 研究了亚麻油氧化预聚过程中性质的变化以及辐射聚合中吸收剂量、剂量率、环烷酸钴和三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸酯(TMPTA)对预聚亚麻油辐射聚合的影响以及协同效应。结果表明:亚麻油在氧化预聚过程中,体系的活性氧含量、碘值、特性粘度和酸值等性质都发生了相应的变化。在辐射聚合中,体系的碘值随着吸收剂量的提高而下降;在吸收剂量相同的条件下,剂量率越高,凝胶含量也越高;环烷酸钴对预聚亚麻油辐射聚合有一定的促进作用,且有一最佳质量分数为0.06%;TMPTA能显著促进辐射聚合,但随着TMPTA含量的升高,它的促进作用趋于平缓;环烷酸钴和TMPTA协同使用时,随着TMPTA含量的升高,协同促进作用逐渐减弱


    Abstract: STUDY ON OXIDATIVE AND RADIATIONPOLYMERIZATION OF LINSEED OIL Ju Xuecheng\ Zhang Yanqun\ Ha Hongfei(Department of Technical Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871)Abstract The effect of absorbed dose, dose rate, contents o f cobaltous naphthenate, trimethylolpropane triacrylate(TMPTA) and their synergi s tic action on radiation polymerization of oxidative polymerized linseed oil are s tudied. The resnlts show that active oxygen content, iodine value, intrinsic vi scosity a nd acid value of linseed oil are changed during its oxidative polymerization. Io dine value of linseed oil is decreased with the increase of absorbed dose. The m ore dose rate, the more gel content with the same dose. Cobaltous naphthenate sh ows an accelerating effect on radiation polymerization of oxidative polymerized linseed oil, however, there is an optimum content of its use. TMPTA can also ef fectively accelerate radiation polymerization, but its acceleration effect becom es decreasing with its content raising. Cobaltous naphthenate and TMPTA have syn e rgistic accelerating action on radiation polymerization when they are used toget her, but their synergistic action become decreasing with content of TMPTA raisin g.;


