
  • 摘要: 用液-液萃取法对18O离子辐照过的天然铀中的镤进行了分离。通过γ射线谱测量,发现了可能属于236Pa或237Pa衰变的34条新γ射线


    Abstract: SEPARATION OF Pa FROM THE NATURAL U IRRADIATED BY  18O IONS AND OBSERVATION OF NEW γ RAYS FOR Pa ISOTOPES Fang Keming①\ Yang Weifan\ Yuan Shuanggui\ Mou Wantong(Institute of Modern Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000)(① Present Address: Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research, the Chin ese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800)Abstract Pa was separated by extraction from the natural U irradia ted with 18O ions. 34 new γ rays from the decay of 236Pa or  237Pa are found by γ ray measurement.


