
  • 摘要: 介绍了清华大学核能技术设计研究院研制的60Co集装箱检测系统中信息管理数据库的设计、维护及其实现的方法。该数据库采用开放性数据库连接(ODBC)技术和VisualC++编程语言,在32位的Windows操作环境下,实现了图像与文字信息的有机结合和管理。数据库的开发遵循客户/服务器模型,支持网络连接。在实验室模拟系统上试运行,性能稳定可靠。


    Abstract: INFORMATION MANAGING IN 60Co CONTAINER INSPECTION SYSTEMWu Zhifang\ Gu Bohua\ Zhou Liye\ An Jigang\ Liu Yisi(INET,Tsinghua University, Beijing 102201)ABSTRACTThe design, maintenance and realization of information managing database in 60Co container inspection system made by INET of Tsinghua University is introduced.The technique of Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is adopted to develop a general format database including text and graphic information. The database application is developed with Visual C++5.0 programming language to run in 32bit Windows operation system. It conforms to Client/Server model and supports network communication. It works very well in the laboratory emulator of 60Co container inspection system. Key words 60Co container inspection system\ image\ database\ information management


