COST ANALYSIS FOR CONTROL MEASURES OF 131I RELEASEXie Yunmian Yin Yuanshu(China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413)ABSTRACT131I quantity in/on the leaves of plants around CIAE was found exceeding the GB 5481 limit in 1979, so experiments are performed to investigate the causes and some measures for reducing 131I release are suggested, such as improving the production process, adopting a highlevel 131I liquid waste smallstorage tank at site for delay release, and installing a small charcoal fillter in the offgas discharge pipe of the 131I production shop. The cost for these measures are analysed. The 7year operating results indicate that the release quantity of 131I has been effectively reduced to 18% of the GB 5481 limit, although the total 131I production is on the increase year by year. It is concluded that these measures meet well the ALARA rule.Key words 131I control measures of 131I release cost analysis