EPIMERIC SELECTIVITY IDENTIFICATION OF NOCARRIER ADDED 18FDG SYNTHESIS BY 19FNMR SPECTROSCOPYZhao Guizhi Long Weizhong Li Dakang Wang Yishan(China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413)ABSTRACTUsing the 18FDG autosynthesizing system and cryptand kryptofix 2.2.2 supported nucleophilic substitution, 19FDG is prepared by the reaction of 19F-(KF),instead of 18FF- in the synthesis of 18FDG, with precursor 1,3,4,6tetraOacetyl2Otrifluoromethane sulfonylβDmannopyranose, and the epimeric selectivity of nocarrieradded 18FDG synthesis is identified by 19FNMR spectroscopy.Key words 19FNMR 18FDG epimeric selectivity