
  • 摘要: 观察了52例肝硬化患者用放射性核素113Inm检测左心功能在静息、运动状态下的各项指标,并用放射免疫分析法检测血清甲状腺激素的浓度。发现肝硬化患者在肝功能明显损伤的情况下,左心功能极大部分出现明显改变,血清甲状腺激素中T3、FT3的浓度明显降低,rT3明显升高。


    Abstract: VARIATION OF LEFT HEART FUNCTION AND THYROID HORMONE IN CIRRHOSISLiu Junchi; Du Sujun;Mao Shaorong;Lu Jun;Tang Xiaoling(Neijiang Second People's Hospital,641003)Abstract:The observation of 52 cases of cirrhosis left heart function indices traced with 113Inm in quiet and motion, and the combining determination of thyroid hormone serum levels with RIA are described.The cirrhosis to the function of liver damage increased, the indices of left heart function has great change.Moreover,the serum levels of T3,FT3 in thyroid hormone are decreased obviously and the serum level of rT3 is also increased significantly.Keywords:cirrhosis left heart function determining thyroid hormone


