DETERMINATION OF ACIDIC ISOFERRITIN AND FERRITIN IN THE SERUM AND CANCER TISSUES OF LUNG CANCER PATIENTSJiang Haiyan; Zhang Wanzhong(Nuclear Medicine Department,The Second Hosptial of Chongqing University of Meclical Sciences, 630010)Abstract:The serum AIF(acidic isoferritin) and Ferr(ferritin) levels are determined for 16 patientg withpulmonary tuberculosis, 24 patinets with pneumonia, 34 patients with lung cancer and 95 normaldonors with RIA method. The rogulng are 142.2±84. 5μg/l & 104. 2±59. 3 mg/l, 148. 8±79. 5μg/l & 107. 3±46. 8 mg/l, 260. 7±126. 3μg/l & 161. 5±75. 3 mg/l, and 103. 8±54. 3μg/l &72. 1±39. 5 mg/l, resepectively. The lung cancer patients group has a remarkably high level as compared with other groups(p<0. 01), waich indicates that the serum AIF & Ferr contents can be usedas important indices in lung cancer diagnosis.Keywords: acidic isoferritin ferritin lung cancer radioimmunoassay