
  • 摘要:  ̄(125)I-睾酮固相分离放射免疫分析法的观察结果表明,该法灵敏度、准确度高,重复性好。灵敏度为0.15nmol/l;批内CV=5.7%,批间CV=15.1%,免疫反应时间为2-3h。反应120、150和180min的结果(x±SD)分别为54.43±3.51%,50,63±4.35%和53.23±2.21%,B/T结果基本稳定。与液体闪烁技术同时测定性腺疾病门诊男、女病人,其结果与各自相应正常参考值比较,两者符合率为94.1%。


    Abstract: EVALUATION OF THE APPLICATION FOR ~(125)I-TESTOSTERONE RADIOIMMUNOASSAY BY SOLID PHASE SEPARATION Tang Tao(Laboratory of Endocrinology,Anhui Provincial, Hefei 230001)ABSTRACT ~(125)I-serum testcoterone radioimmunoassay by the solid phase separation is evaluated. Themethod's sensitivity is 0.15 mol/l.The intro- assay CV is about 5.7%and the inter- assay CV isabout 15.1%. The immune reaction is steady basically in 2-3h.The B/T value(x±SD)is 54.43%±3.51%,50.63%±4.35%and 53.23%±2.21%respectively for the reaction time of120,15 0 and 1 8 0 min. The RIA determination of serum or plasma testorterene for male's and female's sex disease out-patients is performed with both solid phase separation and liquid scintillationtechnique at the same time. Comparing with each relevent normal range,the results indicate that thecoincident rate is 94.1%. Key words ~(125)I-testosterone solid phase separation radioimmunoassay


