
  • 摘要: 采用甲胎蛋白放射免疫分析(AFPRIA)及豌豆凝集素亲和交叉免疫电泳自显影法(PSA-AFF-CIEA),对30例原发性肝癌及30例非癌性肝病作AFP定量测定及分子异质体比值分析。30例非癌性肝病中有3例血清AFP浓度>400μg/l,25例低浓度阳性(30.71-362.67μg/l);而30例原发性肝癌中10例<400μg/l(21.93-391.25μg/l)。提示总量测定难于作出良、恶性肝病的鉴别诊断。但AFP分子异质体比值分析,30例肝癌中豌豆凝集素结合型AFP为41.26%±19.47%,30例良性肝病为15.96%±12.09%。二者差异显著(P<0.001).提示用PSA-AFF-CIEA检测AFP低浓度阳性的良、恶性肝病,具有鉴别诊断价值。


    Abstract: THE DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF SERUM AFP VARIANTS ON THE LIVER DISEASE PATIENTS Xiong Su Wu Wenfang Zhou Ning Bao Xiushen(Nuclear Medicine Department of the Central Hospitol in Jianghan Petroleum Administative Bureau, Hubei 433124)ABSTRACT 30 cases of primary liver cancer and 30 cases benign liver disorders are studied with radioim-munoassay AFP and pisum sativum agglutinin by affinity crossed immunoelectrophoresis autoradiography(PSA-CIEA).The results show that differentiation of primary liver cancer frorn benign liv-er disorders seems to be difficult by determination of total amount of serum AFP. However, humanAFP can be separated into two variants PSA bound AFP and PSA unbound AFP with PSA-AFF-CIEA. The percentage of PSA bound AFP is significantly higher in the presence of primary liver can-cer(41.26%±19.47%)than in benign liver disorders(15.96%±12.09%,p<0. 001).The results possess higher clinical value to diagnose the positive lower level of primary liver cancer and benign liver disorders by using PSA-AFF-CIEA. Key words AFP variants PSA-AFF-CIEA


