
  • 摘要: 叙述了热中子透射计的原理、装置及其在我国的应用现状。可测量的物理参数包括小样品含水量、含钆量、含氢量、含氢指数、厚度和比表面积。


    Abstract: APPLICATINS OF THERMAL NEUTRON TRANSMISSION GAUGE IN CHINA Liu Shengkang(PPhysics Department of Nanjing University,210093)ABSTRACT The prmciplc,installation and applied status in Chinil for the thermal neutron transmission gaugcare described.The measurable parameters include in the moisture of the small sample,gadolinium contents, hydrogen contents, thickness,hydrogenous index and specific surface area.Key words themal neutron transmission gauge moisture gadolinium content hydrogen con-tent hydrogenous index thickness specific surface arca


