DOSE MONITORING OF ~(125)ⅠIN THE THYROID GLANDSOF LABELLING WORKERS IN BEIJING ANDESTIMATION OF DOSE EQUIVALENTHe lihua;Song Yuchun(China Institute of Atomic Energy,Beijing 102413)Bai Jiaxiang ;Hao Yunfang(Beijing Municipal Centre For Hygiene And Epidemic Control,Beijing 100013)ABSTRACTThe results of ~(125)Ⅰ monitoring in the thyroid of labelling workero in Bijing are presented. Thyroidof 79 workere engaged in routine ~(125)Ⅰ-labelling in the severai laberatories of Bijing are monitored.Among themseventy-eight workere presents a ~(125)Ⅰobvious contamination. The deposition of ~(125)Ⅰ in thethyroid glands is within the range of 0. 01-6. 32 kBq. The estimated intake for workere is lower than1/10 of arunual limit of intake. Colledctive dose equivalent is 27. 72 man ·mSv. The per capita doseequivalent is 0. 35 mSv.Key words thyroid collective dose equlvaient per capita dose equivalent deposition