
  • 摘要: 综述了温度敏感性水凝胶的研究及其在化学、化工、生物医学和生物工程中的应用现状。着重总结了电离辐射技术在温度敏感性聚合物和水凝胶的合成与改性中的应用研究。


    Abstract: APPLICATONS OF RADIATION TECHNOLOGY IN SYNTHESIS AND MODIFICATION OF THERMALLY REVERSIBLE HYDRO6GLSZhai Maolin;Yi Min;Ha Hongfei(Department of Technical Physics,Peking University,100871)ABSTRACT Study on thermally reversible hydrogels is a potential field which has been developed in recentdecade,Their characteristics,research status and applications in the chemistry engineering,biomedicaland bioengineering are reviewed. Especially,the applications of radiation technology in synthesis andmodification of thermally reversible hydrogels are discussed in details. Key words ionizing radiation technology thermally reversible hydrogels immobilizationdrug delivery systems(DDS)


