
  • 摘要: 简要介绍了电子辐照加速器的类型、主要参数和应用范围,电子加速器的参数选择的基本依据:剂量和剂量率、电子束穿透深度、辐照产品的形状和大小、设计要求的生产能力;阐述了电子束辐照加工生产线的总体设计步骤及技术经济分析、电子束加工与其它竞争加工方法的比较、辐照加工最新进展和未来发展的趋势.


    Abstract: THE SELECTION OF ELECTRON BEAM RADIATION ACCELERATORS AND TECHNICAL ECONOMY ANALYSIS OF RADIATION PROCESSINGCui Shan;Yang Juntao(chian Institute of Atomic Energy,Beijing 102413)ABSTRACT Different types,main parameters and application fields of electron beam accelerator are btiefly in-troduced.The selection of accelerator parameters should consider the dosage,penetration depth,sizeand shape of products and the production capacity. Technical and economical analysis of electron beamprocess is compared with the other competitive process. Current progress and future trend of radiationprocessing are also described.Key worlds electron beam radiation processing radiation accelerator technical and economi-cal analysis


