THE RADIOIMMUNOASSAY AND ANALYSIS FOR THE SEKUM EGF OFTHYROPATHY PATIENTSYin Shihua(Shengli Hospital of Dongying City,Shangdong Province,257055)ABSTRACT The serum EGF of 87 thyropes are analysed by radioimmunoassay and compared with health sub-jects.The results show that the serum EGF contents of 38 cases with hyperthyroidism are significantlyless than the normal(P<0.01),the serum EGF contents of the other sorts of thyropathy are signif-cantlv more than the normal(P< 0.05).Meanwhile, the contents bf EGF are significantly negativecorrelation with that of T_3 and T_4 in the hyperthyroidism and hypothyrodism groups.However,thecontents of EGF are not significantly correlation with that of T_3 and T_4 in the goiter and thyroditisgroups.It is noted that the analysis of EGF can be available to recognize the adjustion of thyroid hor-moes secretion in thyropathy.Key words thyropathy epidermal growth factor determining