
  • 摘要: 以自制的脂肪酸为原料,通过其苯环上的碘取代反应,产生邻对位的苯代十五酸,以正己烷重结晶分离邻对位产物,得到纯净的ω-I-苯代十五酸。再以乙醇为溶剂,苯甲酸为中和剂,进行碱性条件下放射性碘交换反应,纸层析分离,得到ω- ̄(125)I-苯代十五酸(IPPA)。产品放化产率为70%,放化纯度>97%,可作为临床研究用。


    Abstract: PREPAKARTION OF ω-~(125)I-PHENYL PENTADECANOIC ACIDCheng Guang;Zhao Jiandong(Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research ,Academia Sinica, Shanghai 201800)ABSTRACT ω-~(125)I-phenyl pentadecanoic acid(IPPA) is a effective radiopharmaceutical for myocardial scintig-raphy and attractive labelled in recent years.The important feature of a I- 125 labelled phenyl groupin the terminal position of a fatty acid is the release of -(125)I-benzoic acid which stems from the finalβ-oxidation step of fatty acid catabolism. IPPA has been synthesized and labelled by the exchange of nu-clei with fast and simple labelling.Key words ω-~(125)I-phenyl pentadecanoic(IPPA)myocardial scintigraphy p-~(125)I-benzoic acid β-oxidation


