
  • 摘要: 介绍了利用同位素交换反应制备肝癌治疗剂 ̄(125)I-碘化油。用乙醇为反应介质,在100℃下标记反应20min,回收率达92%,经纸色层法及高压液相色谱(HPLC)测定, ̄(125)I-碘化油的放化纯度>98%;经红外光谱分析,放射性碘标记并不改变碘化油的分子结构,并且标记物稳定性好,室温下放置一个月,标记物放化纯度无明显降低。


    Abstract: PREPARATION OF ~(125)I-LIPIODOLDu Jin;Jin Xiaohai;Chen Daming;Bei Hongsheng;Liu Yuemin;Wang Fan(China Institute of Atomic Energy,Bejjing 102413)ABSTRACT An isotopic exchange method has been used to label lipiodol with ~(125)I.The labelling efficiency ismore than 9 2%in the optimum condition(using ethanol as reaction medium,100℃,20 min ) andthe radiochemical purity of~(125)I- lipiodol is above 98%as detemined by TLC and HPLC. The labellingprocess does not change the chemical structure of lipiodol. The~(125)I- lipiodol is stable at least in onemonth at room temperature. Key words isotopic exchange reaction lipiodol~(125)I-lipiodol


