THE PREPARATION AND BIOLOGICAL EvALUATION OF A POTENTIAL TUMOR THERAPEUTIC~(103),~(109)PdRADIOCOLLOIDLiu Zhonglin;Luo Shunzhong(southwest Institute of Nuclear Physics and chemistry,chengdu 610003)Dai Ting'en(General Hospital of kunming Military Region,650000)ABSTRACT The~(103),~(109)pd radiocolloid is obtained after treating irradiated metallic palladium powder in reactorwith nitric acid and hydrochloric acid in the presence of ascorbic acid(reducing agent)as well as glu-cose and gelatin(protectiue agent).The size of Pd radiocolloid particles is in the range of 1 5 0一400nm. Animal tests indicated that the~(103).~(109)pd colloid can be concentrated highly into the tumor of rab-bits. No toxic effect is observed when the~(103),~(109)pd radiocolloid is injected into a rat in a dose as muchas 1 00 times of that for a patient(1.
2GBq/50 kg). Key words ~(103),~(109)pd radiocolloid tumor bio-evaluation